Rios Healthcare Associates

Top Reasons Why You Should Consider STD Testing

Aug 13, 2024
Having an STD can impact your life in significant ways — especially if you don’t know you have one. Read on for a few reasons why you should consider STD testing soon.

More than 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are reported in the United States each year, and rates are increasing.

An STD or STI (sexually transmitted infection) is an infection that spreads primarily through sexual contact, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. You can also spread STDs through intimate touching alone, meaning intercourse isn’t required to transmit or contract the disease.

Common STDs include chlamydia, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, and gonorrhea. 

STDs are a serious health issue because they can affect many people in negative ways. Here at Rios Healthcare Associates in Houston, Texas, we provide STD testing and treatment for many of our patients. 

Based on our experience, here are a few reasons to consider STD testing.

You may have an STD and not know it

That can work a couple of ways. First, you can contract an STD without having sexual intercourse. Human papillomavirus, herpes, and syphilis all can spread from one person to another simply through skin-to-skin contact.

Oral herpes, for instance, can spread through casual affection between family members. 

Second, not all STDs cause symptoms right away, so being symptom-free isn’t a guarantee that you don’t have an STD. Meaning, you could pass on an STD without knowing it, with symptoms showing up later after you’ve been in a relationship for a while, causing relationship issues.

STDs can affect your health now and in the future

You can’t treat an STD without a diagnosis, so if you suspect one, get tested. Delaying treatment can cause symptoms to worsen, which can lead to permanent problems.

For example, untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia in females can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. That can cause scarring in the fallopian tubes, which in turn can cause infertility. Early testing and treatment can head off many such problems.

STDs can undermine your relationships

Finally, STD testing is vital to forging a strong relationship with your partner. Good relationships have a foundation of trust, and open and honest communication about your sexual history helps create that trust.

If you and your partner aren’t tested, you won’t know for sure if either of you has an STD — remember, you can have an STD without knowing it. Getting the information out in the open is the best policy for the health of your body and relationship.

Many STDs can be treated with antibiotics, while others require other drug therapy.

If you need STD testing, our caring and discreet team at Rios Healthcare Associates is here to help. Book your visit today by calling our office at 832-323-9230, or request an appointment online.